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May Day traditional festivities "Obby Oss" music and dancing through the streets. Padstow, Cornwall, UK

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Ancient traditional May Day festivities in the ancient Cornish Harbour town of Padstow. Performed on the 1st of May 2024. The Obby Oss is duplicated in a blue and red version each with followers in blue or red garb and each Oss has a home in different parts of the town. To take part one should be Padstow born. Padstow natives return from the four corners of the earth to celebrate each Mayday. The tradition involves the hypnotic and melodious tune of "Summer is a cumming" sung and danced to the accompaniment of accordions and drums as the mysterious "Oss" gyrates rhythmically through the narrow streets and lanes of the town. The history of the Obby Oss is lost in time but probably stems from pagan fertility rites.



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